The CPM LCA Database is developed within the Swedish Life Cycle Center, and is a result of
the continuous work to establish transparent and quality reviewed LCA data. The Swedish Life
Cycle Center (founded in 1996 and formerly called CPM) is a center of excellence for the
advance of life cycle thinking in industry and other parts of society through research,
implementation, communication and exchange of experience on life cycle management. The
mission is to improve the environmental performance of products and services, as a natural
part of sustainable development. The Center has been instrumental for the development and
adoption the life cycle perspective in Swedish companies and has made important contributions
to international standardization in the life cycle field. More information about the Center,
see www.lifecyclecenter.se.
The Swedish Life Cycle Center owns the CPM LCA Database, which is today maintained by
Environmental Systems Analysis at the Department of Energy and Environment at Chalmers
University of Technology.
All LCI datasets can be
viewed in in three formats: the SPINE format, a format compatible with the ISO/TS 14048 LCA data documentation
format criteria, and in the ILCD format. Three impact assessment models: EPS, EDIP, and ECO-Indicator, can be viewed
in the IA98 format. Also a simple IA calculator is provided where the environmental impact of each LCI dataset can
be calculated based on the three different IA methods.
Terms of use - License agreement
The data in the CPM LCA Database is open and accessible for free to researchers and
practitioners. User restrictions and guidelines are regulated within the
licence agreement.
Database development
The Database is built on the information model called SPINE.
SPINE is an information model that describes how to structure
environmental data in a meaningful and transparent way.
The name SPINE, short for Sustainable Product Information Network for the
Environment, first appeared as an LCA database format developed in 1995. It
worked as the seed that initiated a collaboration between major Swedish companies
to share information and experiences on environmental information on products and materials.
The national competence centre CPM was founded by the companies together with Chalmers University of
Technology and with Vinnova as major financier.
Within CPM the SPINE format was used to create the Swedish national LCA database, a.k.a.
the SPINE@CPM database. Over the years data has been documented, quality reviewed, and added
to the database. The data was published online and datasets could be purchased through a web browser tool.
The SPINE data format was also extended to include data on impact assessment models
according to ISO 14042. This extension of the format was named IA98. Some commonly
applied impact assessment models was documented according to the format and published
online in 2000.
The LCI data in the database is provided by different organizations and also funded by different
funding agencies and companies. VINNOVA, Sweden’s innovation agency, was the major financier
between 1996 and 2006. Since 2006 the Database has no financial support and the database
development has been dependent on specific projects based on external funding.
CPM LCA Database manual
User manual to this website.
CPM LCA Database - License agreement
By downloading LCA data from this database you agree to the terms stated in the License agreement.
SPINE, A Relation Database Structure for Life Cycle Assessment
Carlson R, Löfgren G, Steen B, 1995. Swedish Environmental Research Institute, IVL-Report B 1227, Göteborg, Sweden
The original report documenting the SPINE data structure.
Introduction and guide to LCA data documentation - using the CPM documentation criteria and the SPINE format
Pålsson A-C, CPM report 1999:1
Review of LCI data at SPINE@CPM
Pålsson A-C, CPM report 1999:8
Description of the review routine applied when adding data to SPINE@CPM.
An interpretation of SPINE in terms of the ISO 14041 standard
Arvidsson P, CPM report 1999:9
Mapping of CPM LCA database SPINE format to ILCD data format
Tivander J, 2013, CPM report 2013:1
Detailed description of how convert from CPM LCA Database SPINE format to ILCD format.
Data format mapping between SPINE and ISO/TS 14048
Carlson R, Erlandsson M, Flemström K, Pålsson A-C, Tidstrand U, Tivander J, 2003, CPM report 2003:8
Detailed description of how to switch between SPINE and ISO/TS 14048 formats.
Introduction and guide to LCA data documentation using the CPM documentation criteria and the ISO/TS 14048 data documentation format
Flemström K, Pålsson A-C, CPM report 2003:3
An interpretation of the CPM data quality requirements in terms of ISO/TS 14048 data documentation format
Pålsson A-C, CPM report 2003:4
A Systematic Approach to Environmental Priority Strategies in Product Development (EPS) Version 2000 - General System Characteristics
Steen B, 1999, CPM report 1999:4
A Systematic Approach to Environmental Priority Strategies in Product Development (EPS) Version 2000 - Models and Data of the Default Method
Steen B, 1999, CPM report 1999:5
The original documentation of the EPS method.
Documentation of environmental impact assessment, compatible with SPINE and ISO/TS 14048
Carlson R, Pålsson A-C, IMI-report 2002:1
Strategy for the Work on CPM:s LCA Database
Carlson R, CPM-rapport 1997:4
Establishment of CPM's LCA Database
Carlson R, Pålsson A-C, 1998, CPM Report 1998:3
The report documenting the CPM project establishing a Swedish national LCI database and its results.
EPS - navigating through facts and opinions
Bengt Steen, author of the impact assessment method EPS:
The EPS system (Environmental Priority
Strategies in product design) was developed as an aid in
product development. The system is basically a set
of hierarchic principle require-ments, such as working
with aggregated impact indices, with transparency
SPINE@CPM – the operational prototype for industrial LCA databases
Raul Carlson, project manager and developer of the database:
The SPINE@CPM LCA database was established to facilitate any type of industrial LCA
studies of products and business activities. The LCI-part of the database holds
well-documented data that describes resource use and emissions from different
industrial production processes, plants and supply-chains.